Formation of single and double self-organized InAs quantum dot by selective area metal-organic vapor phase epitaxy

Position- and number-controlled InAs self-organized quantum dots (SOQDs) were formed by selective-area-metal-organic chemical vapor phase epitaxy on the partially SiNx patterned GaAs (001) substrate. The mask layer was patterned along the [110] direction, and somewhat wider rectangular openings were also attached to the line. As a result of GaAs SA growth, a pyramidal shaped structure was formed on the rectangular region of the pattern. The top area of the pyramidal structure is a very narrow hexagonal-shaped (001) facet which is surrounded by two-{111}B and four-{124} facets. The SOQD was preferentially formed on the top (001) facet because the growth rate on the (001) facet is far much higher than on the surrounding sidewalls. It is found that the number of SOQDs formed is strongly dependent on the width of the top (001)-facet so that control of single, double, and multiple SOQD(s) is possible.