An iterative algorithm for determining depth profiles of collection probability by electron-beam-induced current

An iterative algorithm for the derivation of depth profiles of the minority carrier collection probability in a semiconductor with or without a coating on the top is presented using energy-resolved electron-beam-induced current measurements in planar geometry. The calculation is based on the depth-dose function of Everhart and Hoff (Everhart T E and Hoff P H 1971 J. Appl. Phys. 42 5837) and on the penetration-range function of Kanaya and Okayama (Kanaya K and Okayama S 1972 J. Phys. D: Appl. Phys. 5 43) or on that of Fitting (Fitting H-J 1974 Phys. Status Solidi/ a 26 525). It can also be performed with any other depth-dose functions. Using this algorithm does not require us to make any assumptions on the shape of the collection profile within the depth of interest. The influence of an absorbing top contact and/or a limited thickness of the semiconductor layer appear in the result, but can also be taken explicitly into account. Examples using silicon and CIS solar cells as well as a GaAs LED are presented.