Beam quality measurement of a narrow band KrF excimer laser with stimulated Brillouin scattering phase conjugate double-pass amplifier at 100 Hz operation

A narrow band KrF excimer laser device which consists of an oscillator and a double‐pass amplifier with a stimulated Brillouin scattering phase conjugation (SBS‐PC) mirror (double‐pass self‐compensation scheme) was operated with the constant reflectivity of phase conjugation at 100 Hz repetition rate, by vibrating the SBS cell. The dependence of the beam quality on the operating frequency was evaluated for every shot by using a beam profiler. The beam divergence was less than 100 μrad and the fluctuation at the far‐field peak position was less than 10 μrad at 100 Hz with the spectral bandwidth less than 0.2 cm−1.