A construction for an analog grey scale SSFLC display

We introduce a promising low cost analog grey scale structure for SSFLC panels. The display under study consists of two glass substrates, one of which is covered as usual with ITO electrodes. The other substrate is covered with a high resistivity transparent film and with a pattern of thin, parallel metal conductors. Spacers can be formed by the photoresist stripes left on metal conductors with thickness controlled in spin coating process. The grey scale is produced due to variation of the FLC switching area beside the metal tracks according to the applied data voltage. The high resistivity coating leads to non-uniformity of the electric field which is responsible for domain creation and switching process growing gradually from the metal tracks. We also discuss addressing hysteresis and operation range problems and present our choice for FLC mixture, aligning layers and addressing waveforms. Finally we give addressing hysteresis measurements and preliminary results from our devices.