Forms of the DNA double helix containing non-Watson-Crick base-pairing have been discovered recently based on x-ray diffraction analysis of quinolaxine antibiotic-oligonucleotide complexes. In an effort to find evidence for Hoogsteen base-pairing at qunoxaline-binding sites in solution, chemical "footprinting" (differential cleavage reactivity) of echinomycin bound to DNA restriction fragments was examined. We report that purines (A > G) in the first and/or fourth base-pair positions of occupied echinomycin-binding sites are hyperreactive to diethyl procarbonate. The correspondence of the solid-state data and the sites of diethyl pyrocarbonate hyperreactivity suggests that diethyl pyrocarbonate may be a sensitive reagent for the detection of Hoogsteen base-pairing in solution. Moreover, a 12-base-pair segment of alternating A-T DNA, which is 6 base pairs away from the nearest strong echinomycin-binding site, is also hyperreactive to diethyl pyrocarbonate in the presence of echinomycin. This hyperreactive segment may be an altered form of right-handed DNA that is entirely Hoogsteen base-paired.