Intercalation In Layered Materials

There is great current interest in layered anisotropic materials. Much of the interesi relates to the possibility of an approximate decoupling of 3-dimensional (3D) behavioi into ID properties perpendicular to the layer planes and 2D properties associated with the layer planes. Since this decoupling in layered materials is enhanced by intercalation, much attention has been given to intercalation compounds in recenl years as a means to study interesting questions of low dimensional physics. Since many deliberately structured materials also are prepared in layered sequences, there are many close connections between the properties of intercalated layered materials and deliberately structured materials. This article will focus on several important connections between intercalated layered materials and multilayered superlattice structures prepared by molecular beam epitaxy (MBE) and metalorganic chemical vapor deposition (MOCVD).Interest in intercalation compounds has led to three lively MRS symposia on this topic (Fall 1982, Fall 1984, Fall 1986) and a number of summer schools and workshops, one of which was held in July 1986 at Erice, Sicily, under the auspices of NATO and the European Physical Society. The published lecture notes1 from this summer school provide a useful introduction and reference for students and others interested in this field.