Local and systemic changes in gene expression induced in tomato plants by wounding and by elicitor treatment

Tomato (Lycopersicon esculentum Mill. cv. Moneymaker) plants have been wounded to induce the accumulation of proteinase-inhibitor proteins (PI proteins) at the local site of injury and systemically in unwounded tissues. To determine the range of genes affected in the wound-response, polysomal mRNA has been isolated from the damaged leaves and from systemically responding leaves over a time-course of 2, 4, 10 and 24 h after wounding. Changes in the pattern of 35S-translation products indicate that the events that occur at the local wound-site are different from those that occur systemically, both with respect to the number of genes that are regulated and the timing of their regulation. In order to compare the effects of wounding and an endogenous systemic signal generated at the wound-site with those of elicitor (proteinase-inhibitor-inducing factor, PIIF) treatment of excised plants, polysomal mRNA has also been isolated from leaves of plants over a time-course of 2, 4, 10 and 24 h after PIIF-treatment. Changes in the pattern of 35S-translation products indicates that the events induced by PIIF resemble those induced by mechanical injury, rather than those induced by the endogenous systemic signal.