A method is presented for calculating the time-dependent irreducible clusters, βs(t) which appear in the kernel of the equation of evolution derived in the preceding article. The clusters β1(t) and β2(t)—which correspond to binary and ternary collisions, respectively—are calculated in detail. They are each found to divide into the two following parts: (1) a "completed" collision part which corresponds to collisions which are eventually completed (scattering processes) and (2) an "incompleted" part which corresponds to those collisions not completed by time t. The incompleted collision parts contribute to the "memory" of the equation of evolution and are shown to be relatively small when t is large. The completed collision parts, which play a central role in the theory of transport coefficients, are time-independent scattering operators in momentum space and do not contribute to the memory. By means of the "binary-collision expansion" a systematic method is presented for the calculation of the three-body scattering operator [limtt1β2(t)] which is directly applicable to interaction forces with infinite repulsions. An approximate formula is then derived for this scattering operator in a form which can be readily used to calculate the density correction to transport coefficients which arise from ternary collisions.