High-temperature Yang-Mills theories and three-dimensional quantum chromodynamics

We demonstrate that for sufficiently high temperature T the behavior of any four-dimensional gauge theory with small coupling constant α, at distances beyond the electrical Debye screening length ξD1αT, is determined precisely by the corresponding three-dimensional theory. This is the magnetic sector of the original theory, and in the non-Abelian case it is a Yang-Mills theory like three-dimensional quantum chromodynamics (QCD3). We study QCD3 in the loop expansion, which is only valid for distances 1αT, in both covariant and Coulomb gauges. At a finite order in the loop expansion, the presence of logarithmic infrared divergences signals the appearance of new operators in the operator-product expansion. For example, in a covariant gauge, the gauge self-energy develops infrared divergences at two-loop order associated with the operator A¯2. Infrared divergences in the Wilson loop are also considered and shown to cancel below the order at which gauge-invariant local operators can appear in the operator-product expansion. The infrared structure of QCD3 at distances 1αT cannot be directly probed in the loop expansion, however. We present a simpler model which is calculable in this infrared limit, and which might serve as a prototype for QCD3. The model is massless scalar QED3, which with N charged scalars is soluble in a 1N expansion as N. Using the 1N expansion, we demonstrate that infrared softening occurs: the long-range behavior of the photon propagator in massless scalar QED3 is less singular than that of free fields. Infrared softening might also occur in QCD3, although it cannot be demonstrated to finite order in the loop expansion. The implications of an assumed infrared softening in QCD3 for the magnetic sector of Yang-Mills theories at high temperatures are also discussed. In particular, we consider the possibility that, if the softening is sufficiently great, there is screening of hot non-Abelian magnetic fields and possible confinement of primordial magnetic monopoles.