Relative emission cross sections have been measured for spectral lines in the vacuum ultraviolet region which are produced by collisions of He+ with Ar over a range of energies from threshold to 10 keV. The lines investigated arise from the following excited states of Ar and Ar+: for Ar, 3p54s[P1,P3]; for Ar+, 3s3p6S2, 3dP2, 3dD2, 4sP2, and 4sD2. Charge exchange at low collision energies is dominated by transfer into the 3s3p6 states. The cross section for exciting this configuration rises rapidly from threshold at 4.7 eV to a low-energy maximum which occurs at 11.3 eV. By normalizing our data to the absolute emission cross section which has been determined by De Heer et al. at a collision energy of 2 keV, it is found that the cross section for exciting the 3s3p6 configuration is 5.4 × 1017 cm2 at the low-energy maximum. Oscillations are observed in several of the emission cross sections which indicate interferences between the wave functions of one or more of the excited states of the quasimolecule.