Digestive enzymes of the saltmarsh periwinkleLittorina irrorata (Mollusca: Gastropoda)

Summary The saltmarsh periwinkleLittorina irrorata is well adapted for the digestion of a wide range of polysaccharides. Enzyme extracts attacked cellulose, pectin, xylan, bean gum and mannan (common in cell walls of higher plants), as well as starch and laminarin (representative of major polysaccharide classes in fungal, algal, and animal tissues). Activities were generally highes at a ph of 5 or 6. There was no evidence that chitin was digested, but 19 other enzymes, active toward various carbohydrates, lipids and peptides, were demonstrated. Enzymatic activity toward Azocoll, a general substrate for proteinase activity, was weak compared to that of other aquatic detritivores. The maximum was reached at a pH of 8. Enzymatic activities were generally measured with extracts of the entire visceral hump. Separate stomach or intestine extracts also gave strong activities. The stomach was the most acidic section of the digestive system with an average pH of 5.8; the intestine had an average pH of 7.3.