Effect of repeated doses of ATP on serum protein pattern and fat content of the liver in experimental diabetes

A comparison of serum protein fractions (electrophoretic separation) between control and mild alloxan-diabetic rats examined 10 days after alloxan indicates a decrease in total protein, a decrease in percentage albumin accompanied by a decrease in A/G ratio. In servere diabetic rats examined 48 hours after the administration of alloxan, there were no changes in total protein or in serum-protein fractions. The changes in the serum protein and serum albumin in mild diabetic cases are not the result of the degree of diabetes only. But they are rather explained by the longer time interval of the uncontrolled diabetic state. ATP administered to mild diabetic rats produced the following changes: two injections of 5 mg per rat exhibit a lowering effect on the blood glucose, with a decrease in liver fat. ATP resulted also in a significant increase in serum albumin and a decrease inβ-globulin with a consequent increase in the A/G ratio. Comparison of the different protein fractions of male and female control rats did not show any significant difference. ATP administered to control animals did not alter the normal electrophoretic pattern.