In VivoInduced Malignant Hyperthermia in Pigs II. Metabolism of Skeletal Muscle Mitochondria

The biochemical characteristics of skeletal muscle mitochondria of malignant hyperthermia (MH) susceptible Dutch Landrace pigs have been investigated before and during an MH attack, inducedin vivoby halothane plus succinylcholine. The muscle homogenates have a decreased capacity to synthesize ATP and creatine phosphate during the MH period. Muscle mitochondria prepared from susceptible pigs in an MH period consume less oxygen than do mitochondria isolated before the attack, or mitochondria from control pigs during the challenge. The oxidative phosphorylation is not uncoupled during the critical period. The production of CO2 indicates that thein vitromeasured capacity of the MH muscle mitochondria correctly reflects thein vivocondition during the MH attack. The restricted synthesis may be caused by a factor, finding expression in the mitochondria themselves, and obtained or activated during the MH attack.