The effect of sequential addition of the nitrosourea, chlorozotocin, to the FAM combination in advanced gastric cancer

Twenty-three patients with advanced measurable gastric cancer were treated with FAM-chlorozotocin in an attempt to demonstrate improvement in rate and duration of response over FAM (5-fluorouracil, Adriamycin and mitomycin C). Six (26%) partial responses were recorded with a median duration of two months. FAM-chlorozotocin was well tolerated with moderate myelosuppression as the major dose-limiting toxicity; the leukocyte nadir was 3.0 × 103/mm3 (range, 0.9–6.0) and the platelet nadir was 100 × 103/mm3 (range, 45–100). The authors were unable to find significant differences in prognostic factors such as performance status, sites of metastatic disease, intensity of therapy to account for the discrepancy in response rates between FAM (42%) and FAM-chlorozotocin (26%).