Regeneration from crayfish phasic and tonic motor axonsin vitro

An explant culture system is described that allows examination of axonal growth from the tonically and phasically active motoneurons of the abdominal nerve cord of the crayfish. In this preparation, growth occurs from the cut end of the axon while the remainder of the motoneuron is undisturbed. In vitro growth from the branches of the third roots, which contain the axons from the tonic and phasic motoneurons of abdominal ganglia one through four, was verified as axonal by retrograde labeling of axons and neuronal somata within the nerve cord. Growth from the axons of phasic and tonic cells was observed as early as 24 h after plating and continued for an additional 7–10 days. The morphology and growth rates of the motor terminals differed between the tonic and phasic axons. The phasic axons grew significantly faster and branched more often than did the tonic motor axons. These differences in growth may be related to differences in motoneuron size or, may result from differences in electrical activity. Tonic motoneurons show spontaneous impulse activity for up to 6 days in culture, whereas phasic motoneurons show no spontaneous impulse activity. In addition, the differences in growth may be related to the morphological differences in tonic and phasic motor terminals observed in situ. © 1993 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.