Irradiation of the Intestine by Radioisotopes

A comparison of the radiation effects resulting from ingestion of analpha-(Pu239) or a beta-(Y91) emitting isotope with damage due to X-irradiation of the gastrointestinal (GI) tract of rats is reported. No appreciable damage was seen after doses up to 230 mc/kg of Pu239, suggesting that the GI tract may be of secondary importance in determin- . ing permissible limits for poorly absorbed alpha-emitting isotopes. The LD50 from orally administered Y91 was 17 mc/kg, with a lymphocytopenia andgranulocytemia similar to that caused by X-ray. Pathologic damage to the intestinal epithelium from Y91 was also similar to that from X-ray but was much more severe in the large intestine. This can be attributed to the longer retention of intestinal contents in that segment.