Joint effect of 21 marker loci and effect of realized inbreeding on growth in pigs

Four litters produced by father-daughter matings (back crosses) resulting in 35 animals with a theoretical inbreeding coefficient of 25% were typed with 21 independent informative markers. The differences between the two founder animals were estimated, based on the marker information, and it was found that the founder boar had higher genetic potential for proportion of lean meat and lower genetic potential for groivth than the founder sow. The proportion of the genome of each offspring which was identical by descent was investigated. On the basis of these markers the realized inbreeding was found to vary between 7 and 47%. The linear decrease in weight at days 1, 26 and 136, average daily gain and proportion of lean meat regressed on the realized inbreeding were estimated to 0·6 kg, 2·4 kg, 18 kg, 95 g/day and 15 g/kg, respectively. For weight at day 88 a corresponding linear increase of 11 kg was observed. The joint effect of founder differences and realized inbreeding were as expected negative and statistically significant for all growth traits.