Transport of excitations in disordered systems: Self-consistent density resummation

New self-consistent equations for the transport of excitations in disordered systems are derived based on a resummation procedure of the density expansion. Both local-time [partial-time-ordering prescription (POP)] and convolution-type [chronological-time-ordering prescription] equations are explored. Application is made to a system consisting of a random mixture of donors and traps with a general type of transfer rate W(r). We calculate the probability of remaining in the original site G0(t) as well as the second moment of the distribution of excitations r2(t). The POP equations reduce to the exact Forster solution for G0(t) in the case of traps only. We analyze the long-time behavior of G0(t) and its dependence on W(r). We find a percolation-type transition when W(r) has a cutoff [i.e., W(r)=0 for r>r0] but in all other cases the system is diffusive at long times [G0(t) vanishes and r2(t) diverges linearly in time].