Molecular self-diffraction on a surface: Inversion symmetry changes in scattering of state-selectedND3on graphite (0001)

State-selected molecular beams of ND3 in antisymmetric inversion states (‖JKM〉‖inversion〉=‖111〉‖-〉 or ‖222〉‖-〉+‖333〉‖-〉) are scattered on a graphite (0001) surface. A preponderance of symmetric inversion states, ‖+〉, is observed in the directly scattered molecules. The observed effect is an interference between the ‘‘left,’’ C-ND3, and ‘‘right,’’ C-D3N, inversion configurations of a single molecule on a surface potential. This molecular self-diffraction on a surface is related to the orientational asymmetry in the molecule-surface interaction.