Fatty Acid Compositions of Bovine Subcutaneous Fat Depots Determined by Gas‐Liquid Chromatography

SUMMARY— Among sites and acids analyzed, the outer subcutaneous fat over the triceps brachii (OSTB) had a larger percentage of C14:1 (at 5% level) and C16:1 (at 1% level) than the seam fat sampled between the semimembranosus and biceps femoris (SEAM). The SEAM had a larger percentage of Cl8 than the inner subcutaneous fat over the semitendinosus (INST) (at 5% level). Depot site differences have been discussed in regard to metabolic activity of adipose tissue. In general, the outer layers of subcutaneous fat were more unsaturated than the inner layers. The mean percentages of unsaturated esters were lower in cooked subcutaneous fat depots while a small (nonsignificant) increase in the mean percentages of C16 and C18 saturates was observed in the uncooked samples. The presence of n odd‐chain acids C9, C11, C13, C15, and C17 was confirmed by comparing the results of hydrogenated samples with those of the original sample. Trace amounts of C12:OBr, C16:OBr, and C16:2 or C17:1 were tentatively identified from logarithmic plots of retention times.