Based on the Norwegian allele frequencies, it can be calculated that 13.46% of men falsely accused of paternity can be excluded by use of the C 3 system. The confidence‐of‐exclusion rate in this system, calculated from the existing family and mother‐child materials, is 96–98% in Caucasian population groups.The results of the application of this polymorphic system to 874 cases of disputed paternity are presented. In the 846 cases comprising the common C 3 proteins only, a total of 71 men were excluded. This number fits well with the calculated number of expected exclusions. In 28 cases where C 3 variants were involved, 5 out of 49 alleged fathers were excluded.It is concluded that the C 3 system represents a valuable supplement to the panel of genetic marker‐systems presently used in cases of disputed paternity.