Untersuchungen zum Einsatz von Erdöldestillat-Futterhefe „Fermosin“ in der Tierernährung

The digestibility of the nutrients of Fermosin was tested on pigs and the following values were ascertained: organic matter=86%, crude protein=89% and N-free extractives=83%. The net energy ascertained on the basis of the content of nutrients and the digestibility of the nutrients of Fermosin amounts to 617 energetic feed units for pigs/kg dry matter. The true digestibility of the amino acids of Fermosin was determined on pigs and chicken. For lysin the true digestibility was ascertained as 95% (pigs) and 73% (Broilers). Due to the different digestion abilities of the two animal species, corresponding differences in the digestibility of the other amino acids were found as well.