New theory of superfluidHe4

It is proposed that regions of low and high mass density exist in liquid helium and moreover are spatially well-ordered in the superfluid state with the result that the ground-state wave function Ψ0 is periodic. A ground-state energy 8.1% lower than that determined by Monte Carlo procedure for a pair-correlated wave function f(rij) by McMillan is obtained with Ψ0=Πi>j[f(rij)]1+B Σi>jcos2k0rijk0rij with B=0.054π and k0=2π6.8 Å1. A mean-field theory of the λ transition has been formulated. The nature of the superfluid state is a consequence of the spatial periodicity of the wave function and a simple physical picture of the roton is presented as well as a rigorous roton wave function.