Estrogen Influence on Pituitary and Adrenal Function in the Rat

Cortlcosterone output in the adrenal vein and ACTH in peripheral vein plasma were measured in control groups of female rats and in groups receiving 2. 5 and 4. 0 mg of Depo-estradiol cyclopentylpropionate. In the presence of a significant decrease in corticosterone output under stress, the plasma ACTH level was almost doubled in the estrogen-treated animals 18-21 days after injection. These findings are consistent with a compensatory increase in plasma ACTH resulting from a block in total corticosterone synthesis. Adrenal glands from control and estradiol-treated animals were incubated in vitro in the presence of 11-desaxycorticosterone (DOC). The hydroxylation of l4C-DOC by adrenal homogenates from the treated animals was found to be increased 36-76% as compared to control animals. Thus, the hydroxylation reaction was apparently increased in vitro although total synthesis of corticosterone was decreased in vivo.