Cerebral Embolism: Local CBF and Edema Measured by CT Scanning and XesInhalation

Serial CT scans were made in baboons after' cerebral embolization during stable Xe inhalation for measuring local values for CBF and λ (brain-blood partition or solubility coefficients), followed by iodine infusion for detecting blood-brain barrier (BBB) damage. Supplementary 133Xe CBF measurements were made at corresponding intervals. Persistent zones of zero flow surrounded by reduced flow were measured predominantly in subcortical regions, which showed gross and microscopic evidence of infarction at necropsy. Overlying cortex was relatively spared. Reduced λ values attributed to edema appeared within 3-5 minutes and progressed up to 60 minutes. Damage to BBB with visible transvascular seepage of iodine began to appear 1-1½ hours after embolism. In chronic animals, λ values were persistently reduced in areas showing histologic infarction. Contralateral hemispheric CBF increased for the first 15 minutes after embolism, followed by progressive reduction after 30 minutes (diaschisis).