The Saccharomyces cerevisiae ADR1 gene is a positive regulator of transcription of genes encoding peroxisomal proteins.

Expression of the CTA1 gene of Saccharomyces cerevisiae, encoding catalase A, the peroxisomal catalase of this yeast, is sensitive to glucose repression. A DNA fragment cloned as a multicopy plasmid suppressing the glucose repression of CTA1 transcription was demonstrated to contain the ADR1 gene. Multiple copies of ADR1 increased catalase A formation not only on 10% glucose, but also on ethanol medium and in the presence of oleic acid, an inducer of peroxisome proliferation. Compared with wild-type cells, adr1 null mutants produced by disruption of the gene exhibit reduced CTA1 expression. This demonstrates that ADR1 is a true positive regulator of CTA1. Further experiments showed that it acts directly on CTA1. Alcohol dehydrogenase II, which is under ADR1 control, was excluded as a mediator of the effect on CTA1; deletion of bases -123 to -168 of CTA1 reduces expression and eliminates the response to the ADR1 multicopy plasmid without eliminating fatty acid induction; and gel retardation experiments demonstrated that ADR1 binds to a CTA1 upstream fragment (-156 to -184) with limited similarity to the ADR1 binding site of ADH2. Northern hybridization experiments further demonstrated that expression of two genes encoding enzymes of peroxisomal beta-oxidation (beta-ketothiolase, trifunctional enzyme) and of a gene involved in peroxisome assembly (PAS1) is also negatively affected by the adr1 null mutation. These findings demonstrate that the ADR1 protein has much broader regulatory functions than previously recognized.