siRNA nanoformulation against the Ret/PTC1 junction oncogene is efficient in an in vivo model of papillary thyroid carcinoma

Delivery is a very important concern for therapeutic applications of siRNA. In this study, we have used chitosan-coated poly(isobutylcyanoacrylate) nanoparticles to deliver siRNA with a complementary sequence to the fusion oncogene ret/PTC1. By screening the mRNA junction we have selected a potent siRNA sequence able to inhibit this oncogene in a model of Papillary Thyroid Carcinoma cells. This siRNA sequence has then been validated by a shRNA approach using the same sequence. Furthermore, the high ret/PTC1 inhibition has triggered a phenotypic reversion of the transformed cells. We have designed well-defined chitosan decorated nanoparticles and succeeded to reduce their size. They have allowed to protect ret/PTC1 siRNA from in vivo degradation and leading to significant tumour growth inhibition after intratumoral administration.