The initiation of legumin synthesis in immature embryos of Pisum sativum L. grown in vivo and in vitro

A highly sensitive immunoassay has been used for the detection of a major storage protein, legumin, in embryos of Pisum sativum L.; with this technique nanogram quantities could be measured. In the two varieties tested, legumin could be detected in embryos in vivo, when they had attained a fresh weight of 2·10-3 g and 3·10-3 g, respectively. Contrary to earlier claims, embryos cultured in vitro were shown to be capable of initiating legumin synthesis. This capacity to initiate legumin synthesis was confirmed by two-dimensional isoelectric focusing-electrophoresis and fluorography; embryos harvested before initiation of legumin synthesis and cultured in radioactive medium were shown to have synthesized legumin subunits. The amounts of legumin and total protein synthesized per unit fresh weight were consistently greater in vitro than in equivalent embryos grown in vivo.