HLA-C sequence based typing: nucleotide analysis from exon 1 through exon 8. Identification of a new allele: Cw*0718

At present, 128 HLA‐Cw alleles have been described. Twenty‐four of 128 display critical polymorphisms in contributing to allele identification outside exons 2 and 3. As a matter of fact, complete resolution of Cw*030201, Cw*030202, Cw*0409N, Cw*0501, Cw*0503, Cw*070101, Cw*070102, Cw*070401, Cw*0706, Cw*0711, Cw*0718, Cw*120201, Cw*120202, Cw*150501, Cw*150502, Cw*1701, Cw*1702, Cw*1703, Cw*1801 and Cw*1802 alleles requires nucleotide analysis of exons 1, 4, 5, 6 and 7. Moreover, some alleles (Cw*04010101, Cw*04010102, Cw*07020101 and Cw*07020102) showing nucleotide differences outside the coding regions of HLA‐C gene (intron 2) have been reported. High resolution sequence based typing (SBT) developed in this study involves two DNA amplifications and 12 direct sequencing reactions and allows the analysis of HLA‐C polymorphisms from exon 1 through exon 8, including intron 2. This typing procedure identifies all 128 Cw alleles described so far. Nevertheless, a number of ambiguous heterozygous typing results may be expected, this being the major drawback of SBT methods. A total of 201 samples were HLA‐C typed using SBT strategy here described. The sequence of exons 6, 7 and 8 of HLA‐Cw*070102 allele was elucidated. A novel HLA‐Cw*07 allele, Cw*0718, was identified in two samples. Cw*0718 differs from the Cw*070101 allele by a unique nucleotide position within exon 6, resulting in an amino acid substitution at codon 324 (Ala→Val) in the cytoplasmic region of the molecule.