Assessing Differential Item Functioning in Direct Writing Assessments: Problems and an Example

The recent emphasis on various types of performance assessments raises questions concerning the differential effects of such assessments on population subgroups. Procedures for detecting differential item functioning (DIF) in data from performance assessments are available but may be hindered by problems that stem from this mode of assessment. Foremost among these are problems related to finding an appropriate matching variable. These problems are discussed and results are presented for three methods for DIF detection in polytomous items using data from a direct writing assessment. The purpose of the study is to examine the effects of using different combinations of internal and external matching variables. The procedures included a generalized Mantel‐Haenszel statistic, a technique based on meta‐analysis methodology, and logistic discriminant function analysis. In general, the results did not support the use of an external matching criterion and indicated that continued problems may be expected in attempts to assess DIF in performance assessments.