Attempted Transmission of Ehrlichia risticii (Rickettsiaceae) with Stomoxys calcitrans (Diptera: Muscidae)

Experimental transmission of Ehrlichia risticii, the causal agent of Potomac horse fever, was attempted with adult stable flies, Stomoxys calcitrans, (L.) using two feeding schedules. In schedule A, a set of 140 flies was allowed to feed once on an experimentally infected donor pony and once 24 h later on a recipient pony. A different set of flies was used each day for a 12-d period. In schedule B, 240 flies were allowed to feed once daily for 12 consecutive d on the donor pony followed by five consecutive daily feedings on the recipient pony. E. risticii was isolated from the blood of the experimentally infected pony during the entire fly-feeding schedule. The recipient pony did not develop clinical signs of Potomac horse fever and remained seronegative to E. risticii up to 60 d after the last stable fly feeding. Mice injected intraperitoneally with emulsions of schedule A and B stable flies were seronegative for E. risticii 30 d after inoculation, and ehrlichial organisms were not demonstrated in impression smears from the digestive tracts of the flies. The stable fly did not transmit E. risticii under these experimental conditions.