Addition of both platelets and thrombin in combination accelerates tumor cells to adhere to endothelial cells In vitro

Platelets and coagulation are involved in the pathogenesis of blood-borne metastases. The aim of this study is to obtain more information about the mechanisms involved in the initial adhesion of tumor cells to endothelial cells. In short term experiments with tumor cells, suspended in the medium of cultured endothelial cells, we tested whether addition of both platelets and thrombin cause more tumor cell adhesion to endothelial cells, than when either platelets or thrombin are acting alone. HeLa cells or HT29 cells, prelabeled with radioactive 51Cr, human platelets, and thrombin were added to human endothelial cell cultures. Following 15 min of shaking at 37° C, the percentage of tumor cell adhesion was calculated. The percentages of adhering tumor cells with the presence of both platelets and thrombin were greatly increased compared to controls. Addition of hirudin 2 min before thrombin lowered the adhesion percentage of tumor cells. Hirudin added immediately before and 2 min after thrombin gave only minor effects. When the endothelium was treated with superoxide dismutase, catalase, and mannitol, the adhesion of tumor cells was lowered with catalase and superoxide dismutase. The cause of tumor cell-endothelial cell interaction is probably complex. Our results show that activated platelets enhance the tumor cell adhesion, and that generation of active oxygen species may be important in the initial phase of the interaction.