Isolation and characterization of Caulobacter crecentus bacteriophage phi Cd1

A DNA-containing bacteriophage, phiCd1, was isolated from sewage and shown to infect both stalked and swarmer cells of Caulobacter crescentus strain CB13B1a. phiCd1 is a small, icosohedral bacteriophage, 60 nm in diameter, which possesses a short, noncontractile tail, 10 to 12 nm in length. The bacteriophage particle is composed of at least eight structural proteins. phiCd1 nucleic acid exists as a linear duplex of DNA as judged by: (i) thermal denaturation (Tm), (ii) CsCl density gradient centrifugation, and (iii) chemical analysis of its base composition. The DNA is 61% guanosine plus cytosine, has a buoyant density in CsCl of 1.721 +/- 0.001 g/cm3, and denatures sharply at 78.5 C in 0.1 SSC (standard saline citrate) buffer. The S20, w value for the DNA is 34.3 +/- 0.1S as compared with T7 DNA, indicating a molecular weight of about 29 x 10(6).