Renal Disease With Staphylococcus albus Bacteremia

Three patients had Staphylococcus albus bacteremia as a complication of ventriculoatrial shunts. Each had hematuria, proteinuria, azotemia, acidosis, and anemia; one had the nephrotic syndrome. Two patients' conditions improved after removal of infected shunts; serum complement was reduced in one. Percutaneous renal biopsies showed progressive proliferative and membranous lesions in one patient, proliferative glomerulonephritis in two. Immunofluorescent microscopy showed presence of immunoglobulin in the glomeruli of one and serum complement in two patients. Electron microscopy revealed accumulation of electron-dense, coarsely granular material within the endothelial surface of the basement membrane in all three patients. These findings suggest an immunologic process as the pathophysiologic basis for the renal lesion.