Interaction between a spin-1/2 atom and a strong rf field

Energies of the coupled system of a spin-1/2 atom in a static magnetic field and an oscillating rf field are analyzed with the resolvent formalism and numerically calculated by quantizing the rf field, for the general case that the strong rf field is oriented in an arbitrary direction to the static magnetic field. It is shown that, if the component of the static field along the direction of the rf field has particular values, level crossings take place and multiphoton transitions by even or odd numbers of rf photons become forbidden, even when the polarization of the rf field satisfies the parity condition for the multiphoton transitions. Particular attention is given to the direction and amount of the shifts of the level crossings by the rf field, together with the shifts of the anticrossings or of the multiphoton transitions. Theoretical results are verified by the optical-pumping experiments with cesium vapor.