Future directions for epilepsy research

The authors propose that epilepsy research embark on a revitalized effort to move from targeting control of symptoms to strategies for prevention and cure. The recent advances that make this a realistic goal include identification of genes mutated in inherited epilepsy syndromes, molecular characterization of brain networks, better imaging of sites of seizure origin, and developments in seizure prediction by quantitative EEG analysis. Research directions include determination of mechanisms of epilepsy development, identification of genes for common epilepsy syndromes through linkage analysis and gene chip technology, and validation of new models of epilepsy and epileptogenesis. Directions for therapeutics include identification of new molecular targets, focal methods of drug delivery tied to EEG activity, gene and cell therapy, and surgical and nonablative therapies. Integrated approaches, such as coupling imaging with electrophysiology, are central to progress in localizing regions of epilepsy development in people at risk and better seizure prediction and treatment for people with epilepsy.