Can Nutrition Information Increase Sales of Healthful Vended Snacks?

Snack selections from unrefrigerated vending machines were studied in relation to increasing availability of nutrient-dense snack options and providing nutrient information at four selected vending sites on a large university campus. Only four of 133 different snacks available for unrefrigerated vending met the criterion for nutrient-dense snacks. When snack proportion was changed to increase availability of nutrient-dense snacks, sales dropped. When nutrition information in bar graph form was posted on the machines, sales increased but not back to the original level. Although snack sales increased after graphic nutrition information was posted, sales were primarily for the least nutrient-dense, perhaps because few well-liked, nutrient-dense snacks were available for unrefrigerated vending. Schools concerned about providing a selection of vended snacks in agreement with the U.S. Dietary Guidelines might be advised to maintain refrigerated vending or to pursue a “healthy snack” machine concept. (J Sch Health. 1993;63(9):386–390)