Interactions of Pseudomonas Aeruginosa Hemagglutinins With Euglena Gracilis, Chlamydomonas Reinhardi, and Tetrahymena Pyriformis

The galactosephilic and mannosephilic hemagglutinins of P. aeruginosa adsorbed onto E. gracilis, C. reinhardi and T. pyriformis. Peroxidase binding to the 3 protozoan species was mediated by these lectins. Binding of Pseudomonas lectins to E. gracilis and C. reinhardi caused their specific agglutination. No agglutination was observed with T. pyriformis, even after treatment by papain or by NaF. Added to the culture medium, the Pseudomonas hemagglutinins stimulated growth of E. gracilis and T. pyriformis, due to their binding to these protozoa; this effect was partly inhibited by the specific sugar.