Demonstration of structural differences between the two subunits of human-plasma fibronectin in the carboxy-terminal heparin-binding domain

Structural differences between the two subunits of human plasma fibronectin were studied by analyzing the carboxy-terminal heparin-binding domain (Hep-2). Two fragments (29 kDa and 38 kDa) derived from the Hep-2 domain were purified from thermolysin-digested human plasma fibronectin. Identical NH2-terminal sequences were obtained for both fragments through 16 Edman cycles. Neither domain contained the 90-amino-acid extra domain which is predicted by cDNA analysis of the cellular form of fibronectin. We have examined the primary structures of the 29-kDa and 38-kDa Hep-2 domains produced from the two chains of plasma fibronectin by analyzing the tryptic peptides by fast atom bombardmen/mass spectrometry and comparison with the predicted fragments deduced from the corresponding cDNA-derived peptide sequences. Peptides that were unique to each domain were further characterized by microsequence analysis. The two domains showed identical amino acid sequences through 274 residues, followed by a region of variability. The 29-kDa domain contains 279 amino acids with an estimated relative molecular mass (Mr) of 30,460. This domain is located in the heavy chain of plasma fibronectin and contains three repeats of type III sequences plus a portion of the connecting segment (IIICS) region. The 38-kDa domain contains 359 amino acids and one O-linked glycosyl unit for an estimated Mr of 39,263. This domain is from the light chain of plasma fibronectin and contains four repeats of type III sequences with the deletion of the entire 120-amino-acid IIICS area. Secondary structure analysis by Chou/Fasman and circular dichroism reveals extensive .beta.-sheet structure of these domains. Key sulfhydryl and glycosylation sites are located near the mRNA splice junctions for the two chains. It is postulated that the splice junctions are adjacent to a flexible domain joining two regions of extensive .beta.-sheet structure.