Anomalous shifts of oxygen-mode frequencies in La2xSrxCuO4, YBa2Cu3O7δ and Tl2Ba2Ca1xGdxCu2O8 studied by photoinduced infrared absorption and Raman spectroscopy

Comparison of photoinduced local modes (PILM’s) of insulating YBa2 Cu3 O6.3 and Tl2 Ba2 Ca1x Gdx Cu2 O8 with Raman spectra of their metallic counterparts suggests that carrier injection anomalously increases the frequencies of phonons involving z-axis apex-oxygen motion in both the dilute (insulator) and concentrated (metallic) limit. In La2 CuO4, we observe PILM’s whose frequencies suggest a correspondence with the ‘‘ghost modes’’ observed in neutron scattering [Rietschel et al., Physica C 162164, 1705 (1989)]. These data, together with Raman data on apex-oxygen anharmonicity, enable us to discuss the vibronic mode couplings involved in polaron formation in the three materials.