Low-energy excitonic resonances in metals. II. Cluster calculations for divalent impurities in Li metal

Recent spectroscopic studies of dilute and concentrated divalent impurities in alkali metals identify an important new type of local-excitation phenomenon. The results are not consistent with simple band-theory models for alloys. Instead they suggest that locally excited configurations of impurities occur in the metallic host. These local excitations are resonant with the band-to-band continuum of the host, and their excitation energies are significantly red-shifted from those of the free atom. Chemically similar impurities absorb light at approximately the same frequency in a given host. These local excitations seem to persist in the perfect divalent metal as well. A variety of line shapes apparently derived from Fano-like interference between the local excitation and the host conduction band is observed. We describe a theory of these phenomena based upon cluster calculations, including many-body corrections.