The coincidence of diffuse electroencephalographic spike‐wave paroxysms and brain tumors

This report reemphasizes the fact that patients with brain tumors occasionally show diffuse, paroxysmal, and bilaterally synchronous spike-wave electroencephalographlc discharges, the presumed hallmark of ldiopathic, centren-cephalic epilepsy. Two patients with brain tumors whose electroencephalograms showed diffuse spike-wave paroxysms are presented. The first is a 16-yr-old boy with a cystic astrocytoma of the temporal lobe who showed both focal and bilaterally synchronous spike-wave abnormalities. The other is a 10-yr.-old boy with paroxysmal, bilaterally synchronous, spike-wave discharges as his only electroencephalographic abnormality who had a mixed glioma of the frontal lobe. Twenty one cases from the literature are reviewed. A correlation of the data from these patients is discussed.