The relationship between mass transport and oxide chemistry in oxidation of Ni3Al alloys

Isotope diffusion and surface analysis has been used to investigate mass transport processes and oxide chemistry during oxidation of Ni3Al alloys in oxygen between 450 and 800 °C. In all cases, the oxide has an outer layer rich in NiO that grows by outward metal diffusion. Below 650 °C, an inner mixed oxide layer allows fast inward oxygen diffusion and growth. A porous inner layer of alumina forms at 700 °C that also allows oxide growth by oxygen in-diffusion. At 800 °C, the alumina becomes protective and halts the inner oxide growth mechanism. When macroalloyed with chromium, oxide chemistry is similar, but with an additional chromium oxide in the outer layer. There is an increased oxidation protection at temperatures ⋚600 °C that results from the inhibition of oxygen in-diffusion as an oxidation process. Above 700 °C, however, protective alumina formation is retarded and faster outward metal diffusion enhances the oxide growth rate when compared to Ni3Al.