K¯K system in πpKK+n at 6 GeV/c

The reaction πpKK+n has been studied at 6 GeV/c with a 16 000 event data sample obtained with the Argonne National Laboratory Effective Mass Spectrometer. Moments of the KK+ decay angular distributions are shown as functions of the KK+ effective mass from threshold to 1500 MeV, and as functions of momentum transfer from tmin to -0.4 GeV2. The t-channel moments Ylm with m=0 dominate over the m=1 moments, while moments with m2 (and those with l6) are negligible; this indicates that the dominant t-channel exchange production amplitudes have helicity zero at the meson vertex. The slope of dσdt decreases as the KK+ mass increases. There is a broad D-wave enhancement near 1350 MeV. Interfering f and A20 D-wave Breit-Wigner resonances are not sufficient to explain all of the Y40 distribution above 1350 MeV and an additional D-wave contribution may be present. Ignoring this complication, the best fA20 fit to the Y40 spectrum yields a branching ratio (fK¯K)(fall)=(3.1±1.0)%.