Strange-Particle Production inπpInteractions from1.5 to 4.2 BeVc. I. Three-and-More-Body Final States

We have investigated πp interactions from 1.5 to 4.2 BeVc in the Lawrence Radiation Laboratory's 72-in. hydrogen bubble chamber. This report describes the procedures for identifying and analyzing the reactions involving strange-particle production, and the results obtained on three- and more-body final states. The analysis is based on 890 000 photographs, on which 50 000 strange-particle events were found. Cross sections for the constrained final states are presented as a function of the beam momentum. The peripheral production of low-lying resonances is found to be the outstanding feature of the reactions. Dalitz plots and their projections are shown for the three-body final states. Production of Y0*(1405), Y0*(1520), Y0*(1815), Y1*(1385), K*(890), and K*(1440) is observed, as well as the KK¯ decays of the A2 and the φ meson. Cross sections and angular distributions for production and decay of these resonances are presented. The results concerning the K*(890) are compared with absorption-model predictions. Effective-mass distributions for particle pairs and triplets are given for the four-body final states. In these states the D and the E meson and simultaneous Y*K* production are also seen. Evidence concerning the quantum numbers of the A2, the D, the E, and the K*(1440) is discussed. The behavior of the KK¯ system near threshold is examined. A small amount of Ξ production is observed, and the Ξ*(1530) is also seen.