The bulk photovoltaic effect in the crystals without a center of symmetry

It is known that the bulk photovoltaic effect in the crystals without a center of symmetry is caused by the asymmetry of the generation, recombination or scattering of nonequilibrium carriers, excited by the light with linear or circular polarization. In the present review we did not mention the circular photovoltaic effect because this point is considered thoroughly in the G. E. Pikus paper which is published in the present issue of the Proceedings. The authors also tried to avoid digressions into related divisions of the theory of the bulk photovoltaic effect, considered by A. M. Glass, V. I. Belinicher, B. I. Sturman, W. Ruppel, R. von Baltz, P. Wurfel, N. N. Kristofel, W. Koch and other authors. Thus this short review which is far from complete is devoted only to some experimental investigations of the linear photovoltaic effect, which were performed by the authors and their coworkers in a few last years.