Physical studies ofAuxSi1xamorphous alloys

Amorphous films of the system AuxSi1x have been prepared by vapor deposition over a wide compositional range (0<x<0.8). Their physical properties, their stability in the amorphous state, and the crystallization mechanisms have been investigated by electronic microscopy and diffraction, electrical-resistivity and mass-density measurements. The results are compared with those obtained in the liquid alloys, liquid quenched glasses, and getter sputtered films of the same system. Some similarities in short-range orders of all these materials are suggested especially near the eutectic composition. The present study would also suggest that Au-rich alloys near the Au3Si composition (aμ phase) have a close-packed metallic structure, while the alloys of the Si-rich end exhibit a more open continuous-random-network-like structure with Au atoms in interstitial sites (aSi phase), amorphous alloys in the intermediate-composition range being an intricated mixture of both aμ and aSi phases. Before reaching the equilibrium dissociation into crystalline Au and Si, crystallization occurs via a diffusionless transformation into a crystalline cμ phase (alone or with silicon) whose short-range order is compared with that of the aμ phase. Electrical properties and stability are discussed within the framework of this model.