Lack of Efficacy of Two Consecutive Treatments of Radioimmunotherapy With 131I-cG250 in Patients With Metastasized Clear Cell Renal Cell Carcinoma

Purpose A previous activity dose-escalation study using 131I-labeled chimeric monoclonal antibody cG250 in patients with progressive metastatic renal cell carcinoma (RCC) resulted in occasional therapeutic responses. The present study was designed to determine the safety and therapeutic efficacy of two sequential high-dose treatments with 131I-cG250. Patients and Methods Patients (n = 29) with progressive metastatic RCC received a low dose of 131I-cG250 for assessment of preferential targeting of metastatic lesions, followed by the first radioimmunotherapy (RIT) with 2220 MBq/m2 131I-cG250 (n = 27) 1 week later. If no grade 4 hematologic toxicity was observed, a second low-dose 131I-cG250 (n = 20) was given 3 months later. When blood clearance was not accelerated, a second RIT of 131I-cG250 was administered at an activity-dose of 1110 MBq/m2 (n = 3) or 1665 MBq/m2 (n = 16). Patients were monitored weekly for toxicity, and tumor size was evaluated by computed tomography once every 3 months intervals. Resul...