The maximun rate of excretion of ioglycamate in the bile of the rhesus monkey was achieved when the rate of adminstration was at least twice the rate of excretion. A maximum concentration of ioglycamate in the bile was also established, and this is more important to the visualization of the bileducts than the quanity of ioglycamate excreted. The maximum concentration was obtained at the same rate of infusion as that which produced the maximum rate of excretion. The peak concentration was sustained longer with an infusion lasting two hours than with one lasting 36 minutes, althought the same quanity of ioglycamate had been administered. It is concluded that an infusion at a rate equal to twice the maximum excretory rate and continued for two hours or longer is a rational approach to intravenuous cholangiography particularly in those patients where there has been some diffculty in bile-duct visulization.