Effects of Parathyroid Hormone on Bone Composition in Rats

Examinations of bone were carried out in intact rats which had received 10–200 USP units of parathyroid hormone (PTH). The PTH was injected in a single subcutaneous dose and the rats were killed after 19 hr. With increasing doses of PTH a decrease in the specific gravity of the dry defatted femur and a decrease in the calcium content of the ash occurred. There was no decrease in the phosphorus and fluoride content of the ash, although a decrease is seen if the data are expressed on a bone volume basis. There was no decrease in the ash content of the femur when expressed on a dry weight basis. It was concluded that calcium is released from the bone crystals more rapidly than phosphorus and fluoride. Phosphorus and fluoride were released at about the same rate. (Endocrinology74: 165, 1964)